Transform Australia’s broken animal welfare system

By donating today, you’ll be advocating for crucial reforms and raising the profile of animal welfare in political decisions.

Transform Australia’s broken animal welfare system

By donating today, you’ll be advocating for crucial reforms and raising the profile of animal welfare in political decisions.

For too long, Australians have been led to believe our animal welfare laws are strong. The reality? Millions of animals—from racehorses to farmed animals and wildlife—are trapped in a broken system that prioritises industry profits over their welfare.

Government decision-makers face conflicts of interest, regulations vary across states and territories, loopholes remain unchecked, and standards often ignore science and community expectations. This has allowed:

  • Hens to remain trapped in battery cages

  • Horses to endure whipping on racetracks

  • Dingoes to be poisoned, trapped, and shot

Animals deserve better. And with your support, we can transform this broken system into one that truly protects them.

Imagine having a dedicated National Animal Welfare Commission, independent from industry, which sets standards according to science and community expectations. This is just one of the reforms the Alliance for Animals is calling for under the Fair Go for Animals campaign. With your support, we can make them a reality.

Hundreds of rows of battery cages inside an Australian egg farm. Each cage has multiple hens crammed inside them, denying them of all their natural behaviours.

Your donation will help create lasting change

The Fair Go for Animals campaign targets the root causes of animal suffering by pushing for six vital reforms that will protect animals—not industry interests. But we can’t do it alone. With your help, we can:

  1. Exposing the flaws in the current system 

  2. Advocating for crucial reforms 

  3. Ensuring animals are represented at the highest levels of political decision-making 

  4. Holding government accountable to their commitments for animals 

To make an offline donation, learn more about leaving a gift in your Will to the Alliance, or if you have any other questions, please contact us: or  +61 426 025 329.