Frequently asked questions
All your questions about our work answered.
What is the Alliance for Animals?
The Australian Alliance for Animals is a national charity bringing together six of Australia’s leading animal protection organisations to create systemic change for animals.
Representing over 2 million Australians, the Alliance leverages the collective strength of the animal welfare sector to maximise its political influence.
Through our united political advocacy, we are paving the way for structural and institutional reforms to create a stronger, more independent animal welfare system that will improve the lives of billions of Australian animals.
Why is the Alliance needed?
The Alliance was created to unite and empower the animal welfare sector to achieve systemic change for animals.
In Australia, the systems we use to create laws and policies concerning animal welfare are broken. Until we transform these systems we won’t be able to achieve crucial reforms to improve the lives of animals, such as banning live export and seeing an end to the use of battery cages.
The Alliance is a unique and effective new approach, bringing together Australia’s leading animal protection organisations to work as a unified team to challenge and reform these outdated systems. We know that government processes are failing to keep up with community expectations and contemporary animal welfare science.
Australian animals deserve action to end cruel practices, and a decision-making process that ensures their interests are heard and respected. This is why the Alliance was created. We are working to change the system by creating a more balanced and independent governance structure - one which better represents and safeguards the interests of animals.
Who is the Alliance?
The Alliance consists of a small team of highly experienced specialist staff, supported by a skills-based board of independent directors and the assistance of our core member organisations. We are an independent registered charity, with the purpose of leading and uniting the Australian animal protection community in securing systemic change for animals. The Alliance is a distinct organisation, separate to our core member organisations.
Learn more about the Alliance and meet our team.
What does the Alliance do?
We advocate for the interests of animals and work to create an Australian animal welfare policy landscape where those interests count. To do this, we operate three key programs: the Reform Program; the Accountability Program; and the Representation and Capacity Building Program.
What is the #FairGoForAnimals campaign?
We are working to build a fairer Australia for all animals through our #FairGoForAnimals campaign. The #FairGoForAnimals campaign proposes a new framework for creating a more balanced and independent animal welfare governance system in Australia. You can learn more and pledge your support at: www.fairgoforanimals.org.au
Organisations can sign up to endorse.
What are the strategic goals and vision of the Alliance?
Our vision and key goals for 2023-2026 are outlined in our Strategic Plan.
Who and what are core members?
Core members are the organisations that make up the Alliance and support our collective reform agenda. They consist of Australia’s leading animal protection organisations, including Animals Australia, Compassion in World Farming, FOUR PAWS Australia, Humane World for Animals (formally Humane Society International Australia), Voiceless the animal protection institute and World Animal Protection Australia.
We work with our core members as strategic partners and advisors on key reform campaigns. Core members also provide funds, support and assistance to the Alliance, including the provision of pro bono services.
How can organisations join or support the Alliance?
Organisation network - #FairGoForAnimals Allies
In addition to our core members, we actively encourage other organisations who support our vision and objectives to join our #FairGoForAnimals Allies network and help build the capacity and impact of the animal protection community. If your organisation is interested in joining, please apply here. We welcome applications from a wide variety of organisations and sectors. Organisations in our #FairGoForAnimals network receive tailored periodic update emails on our work, opportunities to support our reform campaigns and access to skills and information sharing.
Organisations can sign up to endorse our #FairGoForAnimals campaign.
Is the Alliance a peak body?
The Alliance is not a peak body representing the animal protection sector on all matters. Our representational role is limited to unifying our members and allies on pre-agreed reform proposals.
Is the Alliance politically aligned?
The Alliance is a politically independent registered charity. We are not aligned with any political party. Although we may support particular political proposals which further our objectives, we do not promote or support specific political parties or candidates.
Does the Alliance work on single-issue animal welfare campaigns?
The Alliance recognises the crucial importance of single-issue animal welfare campaigns, such as the campaign to end the use of battery cages in Australia. However, given our unique vision and strategy, we focus our resources on specific reform campaigns which have the potential to impact on the sector as a whole.
Although the Alliance does not focus on single-issue campaigns, we work with allies and members on high impact issues to improve national animal welfare standards and raise awareness of the need for systemic change across the country.
You can read more about our ambitions in our 2023-2026 Strategic Plan.
How is the Alliance funded?
The Alliance is funded by public donations and a combination of grants from member and philanthropic organisations. We also receive in-kind support and services from our member organisations. The Alliance receives no government or corporate funding.
Can I make a donation to the Alliance?
Yes! We are so grateful to our generous supporters - every single donation makes a difference to our work. You can easily donate via our online form.
For any questions about donations, to make an offline donation or learn more about leaving a gift in your Will to the Alliance, please email: donations@allianceforanimals.org.au
Unfortunately, despite being a registered charity, direct donations to the Alliance for Animals are not currently tax-deductible. This is because the ATO’s criteria for deductible gift recipient (DGR) status does not currently include animal advocacy charities. We are actively working to change this - you can read more in our submission to the Productivity Commission’s review of philanthropy.
If you’re interested in donating but would like your gift to be tax deductible, please get in touch via donations@allianceforanimals.org.au so we can discuss other options for supporting our work.
Relevant policies:
How does the Alliance spend its donor and grant money?
Last financial year, we spent our income from grants and donations in the following way:
Reform program – reforming the Australian animal welfare governance system.
Representation program – uniting the Australian animal welfare sector and increase its political significance.
Program support – operational costs to support our programs, including staff costs in communications, website development, graphic design, training and professional development, software subscriptions and IT resources.
Fundraising – staff costs associated with developing and securing our donor supporter base and ensuring compliance with fundraising obligations.
Finance, governance and administration – efficiently running the organisation, including bookkeeping and audit fees, insurance premiums, staff costs from board and human resources support and administration.
How can I keep up-to-date with Alliance news?
The best way to follow and support our work is by signing up to our mailing list and following the Alliance on social media (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter).
How can I help the Alliance?
There are lots of ways you can help support our work:
Volunteer with us (email your CV to info@allianceforanimals.org.au to register your interest)
Take action to support our campaigns and share our work with your networks.