Our strategy
Our vision, purpose & mission
Our vision is for a society where respect for the interests of animals and their wellbeing is enshrined in law, policy and practice.
Our purpose is to lead and unite the Australian animal protection community in securing systemic change for animals.
Our mission is:
To lead law and policy reform to create new systems of animal welfare governance.
To ensure transparency and accountability for decisions affecting animals.
To bring allies together to strengthen the representation of animals.
Our theory of change
Our programs
We operate three key programs designed to achieve systemic change for animals.
We are working to redesign the system to make it work for animals, and leading sector-wide support for crucial reforms.
Reforms include the establishment of a truly independent national commission for animal welfare, the creation of ministerial portfolios for animal welfare, and the introduction of a fair, consistent and transparent process for creating national animal welfare standards.
We are working with our members to achieve a range of crucial reforms.
We are increasing transparency in animal welfare policy making and helping develop a stronger culture of accountability and integrity within government.
By identifying and highlighting procedural deficiencies, hidden sources of influence, and compromised decision-making, we can create a more balanced approach.
We are working with our members to improve accountability in animal welfare decision-making.
We are organising and unifying the animal welfare sector on key issues of common concern, working strategically with Australia’s leading animal protection organisations and other aligned groups and organisations on specific reform activities and campaigns.
We work closely with our members to share information and insights, strengthen our combined capacity and better target our campaigns. We welcome the opportunity to work with aligned organisations who support our reform activities including organisations from other sectors on cross-sectoral campaigns. Find out more about our organisation network here.
Our values
Outcomes focused - we are driven by our mission and are continuously focused on achieving meaningful outcomes for animals.
Integrity - we remain true to our purpose and act with consistency and principle.
Evidenced based - everything we say is backed by evidence.
Proactive - we are forward thinking in our approach and create new opportunities for change.
Collaborative - working with others is at the heart of our approach.
Determined - we never give up.
Read about our strategy for 2023-2026
Our Plan outlines:
Vision, purpose, mission & values
Strategic priorities & goals
Ambitions over the next 3 years
Theory of change