Help enshrine the end of live sheep exports in law

Your donation will go towards ensuring Australian sheep are effectively represented in parliament, and that the government does not falter in delivering its commitment to end live sheep exports.

Help enshrine the end of live sheep exports in law

Your donation will go towards ensuring Australian sheep are effectively represented in parliament, and that the government does not falter in delivering its commitment to end live sheep exports.

After decades of tireless advocacy from compassionate people like you, the Labor Government has finally introduced a Bill to phase out the cruel live sheep export trade by 1 May 2028.

While this is a historic step forward, until the Bill is passed and there are no more live sheep export journeys, our work remains urgent.

The next four years are critical. We cannot let the industry’s lobbying machine continue to deny the suffering these animals endure and undermine the hard work of advocates like you.

Campaigning must continue until the last voyage ends. We will be holding the government to account, advocating for a shorter phase-out period and calling for measures to ensure export numbers decline throughout the phase out. 

Your contribution now is more crucial than ever to sustain pressure on the government to uphold this commitment.

Together, we can ensure live sheep exports end, once and for all. 

Image: Animals Australia

Your support will empower us to

  1. Ensure the truth about animal suffering is presented to decision-makers.

  2. Remind the government that the vast majority of Australians support the decision to end live sheep export. 

  3. Amplify your calls for change in the halls of parliament, influencing decisions at the highest levels.

To make an offline donation, learn more about leaving a gift in your Will to the Alliance, or if you have any other questions, please contact us: or  +61 426 025 329.