Our funding is from grants and donations contributed by core members, philanthropic organisations and individuals.
Voiceless, the animal protection institute
In 2024 we were awarded a Voiceless Grant by core member Voiceless, the animal protection institute, to help fund our campaign to legislate the phase out of live sheep exports in Australia. This follows a previous Voiceless Grant in 2022 to support our campaign for the creation of a national animal welfare commission. The Voiceless Grants Program supports impactful initiatives in line with Voiceless's vision to create a just, equitable world where animals can flourish.
Effective Altruism Funds
In 2024 we received funding from the Effective Altruism Funds Animal Welfare Fund for our work to increase uptake of the Better Chicken Commitment in Australia. This was part of a larger grant awarded to our New Zealand-based BCC partner organisation, Animals Aotearoa. This follows two grants awarded in 2022 from the Animal Welfare Fund to support our foundational work to unite the Australian animal protection sector to increase its influence and impact. EA grants are given to high impact charitable initiatives, as determined by the principles of effective altruism. The Animal Welfare Fund aims to effectively improve the well-being of nonhuman animals, focusing on projects that primarily address farmed animals as well as projects that could affect other large populations of nonhuman animals.
Open Philanthropy
In 2023, we were awarded a grant from Open Philanthropy to support our work through their farm animal welfare focus area. Open Philanthropy is a grantmaking organisation which aims to use its resources to help others as much as it can.
Craigslist Charitable Fund
In 2025, we were awarded a funding grant from the Craigslist Charitable Fund to further our mission of leading and uniting the Australian animal protection community in securing systemic change for animals. Craigslist Charitable Fund supports organisations dedicated to improving planetary health and the well-being of all Earth's inhabitants, including humans, by working to end factory farming and all forms of animal exploitation.
Our impact
We are working to achieve crucial structural reforms to improve the animal welfare system in Australia.
Pro bono and in-kind assistance
Nova Press Print & Mail
Nova Press is an environmentally conscious Queensland based printing business which generously provides the Alliance with free printing services.
Core members
We receive funding and in-kind support and services from our six core member organisations.