Election campaigns

Elections present a great opportunity to raise the political profile of animal welfare and to secure policy commitments from parties and candidates. Check out our previous campaigns below.

2024 Tasmanian Election

In the lead up to the 2024 Tasmanian Election, we produced a scorecard to let residents know where parties stand on six key reform issues for animals.

2023 NSW Election

In the lead up to the NSW Election 2022, we produced scorecards to let residents know where parties and candidates stand on six key reform issues for animals.

2022 Victorian Election

In the lead up to the Victorian Election 2022, we produced scorecards to let residents know where parties and candidates stand on six key reform issues for animals.

2022 Federal Election

In the lead up to the Federal Election 2022, we released a set of scorecards outlining party and candidate positions on the Alliance’s key animal welfare policies.