Support a
Fair Go for Animals
Together, we can transform the broken system.
Support a
Fair Go for Animals
Together, we can transform the broken system.
By supporting a #FairGoForAnimals, you are joining a movement that seeks to transform Australia’s animal welfare system into one that truly respects and protects the wellbeing of animals.
By lending your voice, you help ensure that animals are no longer sidelined by legislation that prioritises commercial interests over their wellbeing. Together, we can create a future where animal welfare laws are a true reflection of our society's compassion and respect for all creatures. Support a #FairGoForAnimals today to help build a fairer Australia for animals.
Image: We Animals Media
What are the Fair Go for Animals reforms?
Ministerial recognition
Create Ministers for Animal Welfare to remove conflicts of interest.
National Animal Welfare Commission
Establish a National Animal Welfare Commission to make the system truly independent.
Animal Welfare Authorities
Create state Animal Welfare Authorities to ensure the interests of animals are upheld under law.
Decision-making principles & sentience recognition
Introduce guiding decision-making principles into animal welfare legislation, and recognise animals as sentient beings with intrinsic value.
Fair and accountable animal welfare standards processes
Create fair and accountable animal welfare standards and decision-making processes.
Adequate funding
Allocate proper funding for animal welfare services in line with community expectations.