2024 Impact Report
2024 was an impactful year for the Alliance for Animals. Together with our core member organisations and supporters, we made substantial progress toward our mission of building a fairer Australia for all animals. During the year, we:
Coordinated a strategic sector-wide campaign to help secure the passage of the Ending Live Sheep Exports by Sea Bill 2024
Put animal welfare on the political map by leading policy scorecard campaigns during the Tasmanian and Queensland state elections
Launched our Better Chicken Australia campaign to shine a light on the plight of over 700 million chickens bred for meat in Australia each year
Hosted 15 online and in-person political advocacy and submissions-writing workshops and published a Political Engagement Toolkit to help build the skills of advocates
Gave animals a strong, united voice in the halls of parliament through 57 meetings with politicians and 13 submissions to government inquiries and legislative reviews
Worked with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade to ensure animal welfare was reflected in the UAE free trade agreement
Advocated for animal advocacy charities to receive tax deductible gift recipient status during the Productivity Commission’s inquiry into philanthropy
Read our 2024 Annual Report

Ambition highlight: Government passes legislation to end live sheep export by sea
In July, the Australian Parliament passed the Export Control Amendment (Ending Live Sheep Exports by Sea) Bill 2024, legislating an official end date for the cruel trade– 1 May 2028. This historic victory follows decades of courageous campaigning by Animals Australia, RSPCA Australia and many others, and marks the beginning of the end for live sheep exports by sea, a practice that has caused immense suffering for millions of sheep.
In the led up to the legislative debate, the Alliance coordinated an intensive lobbying campaign with members of the End Live Sheep Exports coalition to pressure the Australian Government to follow through with its election commitment. This included strategic media and political engagement to ensure the legislation had the support it needed to pass both Houses of Parliament.
We thank all of our members and allies for their tireless efforts to secure this outcome and the unwavering support from our collective supporters, who participated in protests, signed countless petitions, wrote numerous submissions and letters, and directly communicated with ministers.
While we called for a shorter phase-out, we promise to keep a vigilant watch until the very last vessel. Let’s celebrate this incredible step forward and continue our work together for a kinder future
Campaign highlights: 2024 Queensland Election
Ahead of the Queensland election, we partnered with RSPCA Qld to engage with political parties and secure their positions on six key reforms for animals: ending puppy farming, phasing out battery cages and live lamb cutting, removing shark nets, increasing funding for animal welfare, and establishing a State Animal Welfare Authority.
We then produced policy scorecards and launched a digital advertising campaign and outdoor and retail billboards in 8 electorates, to help voters find out where the parties stand.
The Alliance also ran an election campaign in Tasmania.
Event highlight: Animal Advocacy EAGx Satellite event
In November, we co-hosted a stimulating day of workshops and discussions with Effective Animal Advocacy Australia. The one-day Animal Advocacy Effective Altruism Global x (EAGx) Satellite event focused on inspiring young minds and giving them the tools and insights to drive real change for animals.
The event brought together leading experts in politics, AI, and corporate campaigning, fostered connections between professional and volunteer advocates, and equipped attendees with vital skills in political and corporate advocacy to advance animal welfare reforms. We were inspired by the passion and commitment of all who joined us and look forward to working with them on securing a fairer future for animals.
The Alliance team also ran several workshops at the EAGx Conference in Sydney.
Ambition highlight: Launched the Better Chicken Australia campaign
In June we launched the Better Chicken Australia campaign, the latest phase of the Better Chicken Commitment backed by the Alliance, World Animal Protection and Animals Aotearoa. The joint campaign aims to lift the lid on the conditions faced by 700 million chickens farmed for meat in Australia every year.
Better Chicken Australia focuses on raising awareness about the critical welfare issues caused by current chicken industry practices and showcasing the pathway for change through uptake of the internationally recognised Better Chicken Commitment.
Together, we’ve developed a microsite and have begun our corporate engagement actions.
Representation highlight: Reforming animal charity laws
The Alliance partnered with Effective Altruism Australia to call for the expansion of tax deductible gift recipient (DGR) status to all animal advocacy charities during the Productivity Commission’s inquiry into philanthropy. The Alliance represented the interest of our members and allies in giving evidence at the inquiry hearings and making evidence-based submissions.
We were very encouraged to see the Productivity Commission’s final report Future Foundations for Giving referenced our submissions and recommended the expansion of DGR status to all animal advocacy charities. We’re now working with the Australian Government to accept and implement the recommendations.
Reform program
Our first strategic goal is to reform the Australian animal welfare governance system. This includes making the government accountable and increasing transparency, establishing fairer, more independent frameworks, and creating standards that respect animal sentience and reflect contemporary science.
We aim to achieve this through political, media, and public engagement.
Representation program
Our second strategic goal is to unite the Australian animal welfare sector and increase its political significance. We aim to ensure the animal welfare sector uses its resources efficiently and effectively to maximise its impact, organise the sector on institutional and cross-sector reforms, and ensure animal welfare is recognised as a political significant issue.
These figures are since inception.
Resources produced
Last updated December 2024.