2023 Impact Report

Three wooly sheep looking into the distance.

2023 was a big year for the Alliance for Animals. Together with our core member organisations and supporters, we made substantial progress toward our mission of building a fairer Australia for all animals. During the year, we:  

  • Gave animals a strong, unified voice in Parliament through 55 meetings with politicians, 16 submissions to government inquiries and parliamentary hearings.

  • Secured a commitment from NSW Labor ahead of the 2023 state election to establish an Independent Office of Animal Welfare.

  • Launched our animal welfare policy barometer revealing the gap between community expectations and current animal welfare policy settings.

  • Promoted the #FairGoForAnimals reform agenda at the Australian Labor Party National Conference.

  • Coordinated a sector-wide campaign towards a legislated end date for live sheep exports. 

  • Called on state and territory governments to regulate the phase out of battery cages.

  • Led a coalition of animal charities advocating for donations made to all animal welfare and advocacy charities to be tax deductible in response to the Productivity Commission’s public inquiry into philanthropy.

Campaign highlight: Animal welfare policy barometer release 

We commissioned BehaviourWorks Australia to explore Australian attitudes and beliefs about animal welfare policy, including the way it is made and governed. The results revealed that Australians recognise animals as sentient beings, place high regard on animal welfare, trust animal welfare groups and scientists and value independence and impartiality in decision-making.   

We then created the Animal welfare policy barometer to demonstrate how Australia is failing to deliver on these expectations.

We launched the survey results and barometer findings via a free webinar attracting over 177 people, including 17 government and political representatives. 

Campaign highlight: 2023 NSW Election scorecards

Ahead of the NSW election, we contacted parties and candidates in NSW to find out their stance on important animal welfare issues. Together, with our core members, we released NSW animal welfare policy scorecards, which reached 1.1 million NSW voters.  

By the end of the campaign, 5 of 15 parties and 4 of the 8 independents contacted, expressed full or partial support for all or most of our reforms, including the NSW Labor Party committing to establishing an Independent Office of Animal Welfare.  

An infographic scorecard showing where the parties stand on key policy issues during the NSW election.

Event highlight: A Fair Go For Animals Panel Session – Labor Party National Conference

In August, we co-hosted a lively panel discussion alongside core members World Animal Protection Australia and Humane Society International Australia, at the Labor Party National Conference.  

Together, we delved into the future of animal welfare policy and the strategies we an use to build a fairer Australia for all animals.

Alliance for Animals representatives at the APL Conference.

Representation highlight: Being a voice for animals in Parliament 

Throughout the year, we continued to represent animals in Parliament, through 55 meetings with politicians, 16 submissions to government inquiries, and parliamentary hearings.

Our team met with the Independent Panel overseeing the phase out of live sheep exports, had meetings with NSW politicians to follow up on their election promises for animals, spoke at the public hearing for the Inquiry into the Inspector-General of Live Animal Exports Amendment (Animal Welfare) Bill 2023, and hosted a delegation of members at Parliament House in Canberra to brief politicians on the phase out of live sheep exports.

Dr Lynn Simpson, Rich Mussell, Nicola Beynon, Dr Bidda Jones, Ben Pearson, Dr Jed Goodfellow, and Shatha Hamade inside Parliament House, Canberra.

Ambition highlight: Progress towards an end to mulesing 

In September, our team, alongside our core members Humane Society International Australia and FOUR PAWS, had the opportunity to engage directly with advisors to the Tasmanian Minister for Primary Industries and Water to discuss the phase out of mulesing.  

While Tasmania has taken a positive step forward by mandating pain relief for mulesing, we are pushing for greater progress. Our collective goal is to see the industry transition away from mulesing entirely by 2030. 

Alliance for Animals Representatives outside Parliament House in Tasmania.
A view inside House of Representative chamber in Parliament House.

Reform program

Our first strategic goal is to reform the Australian animal welfare governance system. This includes making the government accountable and increasing transparency, establishing fairer, more independent frameworks, and creating standards that respect animal sentience and reflect contemporary science.

We aim to achieve this through political, media, and public engagement.







Alliance for Animals representatives with RSPCA Australia members inside Parliament House.

Representation program

Our second strategic goal is to unite the Australian animal welfare sector and increase its political significance. We aim to ensure the animal welfare sector uses its resources efficiently and effectively to maximise its impact, organise the sector on institutional and cross-sector reforms, and ensure animal welfare is recognised as a political significant issue.





These figures are since inception.

Over the past two years, we have continued to grow the Alliance Organisation Network to help build the capacity and impact of the Australian animal protection community. We are also coordinating groups on key animal welfare issues, such as the End Live Sheep Exports Alliance, which brings together 18 like-minded organisations to ensure the successful implementation of the federal government’s commitment to ending live sheep exports. 

Resources produced

Last updated January 2024.