Make a submission to protect the live sheep export ban
The NSW Parliament has established an inquiry into the phase-out of Australian live sheep exports by sea and they want to hear from you.
The Inquiry presents an important opportunity to ensure your NSW parliamentary representatives are reminded of the cruelty associated with the trade and to convey the community’s overwhelming support for the phase out.
Submissions close 20 September 2024.
Although legislation to end live sheep exports by sea has passed, those who oppose the ban are actively seeking ways to overturn this progressive step forward in animal welfare. It’s imperative that we continue to provide a voice of reason to ensure this does not happen.
To do this, we need your help. We need you to call on the NSW Parliament to rise above the rhetoric and fearmongering of the exporters and industry, to heed the science and to reflect the NSW community’s views.
We must maintain the pressure and keep up the scrutiny throughout the duration of the phase out until the very last vessel has sailed.
Write your submission with Alive AI’s copilot tool
We partnered with Alive AI to develop an AI-powered Submission Copilot to make the writing process easier.
All you have to do is:
Open the Copilot and click 'Start’
Click on the project ‘Impact of the phase-out of Australian live sheep exports by sea on New South Wales’
Select the key points you would like to include in your submission
Provide background information about yourself and any additional points you’d like to make
Wait while the copilot generates a unique submission based on the arguments you’ve chosen
Copy the generated text into a Word document (or similar) and edit the wording to ensure it matches your writing style.
Lodge your submission
Go to the NSW Parliament Inquiry website
Click ‘Submissions’
Click ‘To lodge your submission, click here’:
Submissions close 20 September 2024.
Watch a recording of the writing workshop
Alliance for Animals Co-Founders, Dr Bidda Jones and Dr Jed Goodfellow ran an online workshop, where they discussed the background of the phase out, the inquiry, and how to use the Submission Copilot tool.