Become a Fair Go For Animals Ally
As an organisation working within the animal protection movement, you’re likely aware that Australia’s current animal welfare governance system is fundamentally flawed. There are conflicts of interest amongst government decision-makers, inconsistencies in regulations across states and territories, loopholes in laws, and standards that ignore science and community expectations.
The Fair Go for Animals campaign proposes a six-point reform framework designed to build a fair and independent animal welfare governance system in Australia.

Why should your organisation endorse a Fair Go for Animals?
The Australian Alliance for Animals is a national charity leading a strategic alliance of Australia’s key animal protection organisations to create systemic change for animals. We are supported by six core member organisations who act as strategic partners on key reform campaigns and provide funds, support and assistance to the Alliance.
In addition to our core members, we actively encourage other organisations who support our vision and objectives to join our #FairGoForAnimals Allies and help build the capacity and impact of the animal protection community. Your endorsement strengthens our collective voice and reflects evolving public and scientific support for better animal welfare.
If your organisation is interested in joining, please apply today. We welcome applications from a wide variety of organisations and sectors.
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Alliance work
Campaign updates
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