Progress toward a fairer Australia for Animals

A Merino sheep, laying on the grass, watching the sun rise in the distance.

Image: Edgar’s Mission

In 2022, the Alliance launched the Fair Go for Animals campaign with the ambitious goal of fixing Australia’s broken animal welfare system. We proposed six transformative reforms with the aim of removing institutional barriers to progress and creating a more robust, independent governance system for animal welfare law and policy. 

This is a long-term project, but after two full years of campaigning, we felt it was time to reflect on our work to see what headway we’ve made towards creating a fairer Australia for animals. While none of the reforms have yet been fully implemented, the good news is that we’ve seen positive tangible progress on five of our six reform goals. There are also promising signs that we’ll see the full implementation of at least one reform at the state level within the next two years.  

Let’s look at each reform in more detail. 


1. Creating Ministers for Animal Welfare


At this stage, no state or territory government has created a dedicated Minister for Animal Welfare or otherwise recognised animal welfare in a ministerial title, meaning animal welfare remains largely under the purview of agriculture ministers. We are, however, planting this policy seed with governments, political parties, and elected representatives. As the political prominence of animal welfare grows, we expect to see animal welfare named in the list of topics that make up ministerial portfolios. The more public pressure we generate, the stronger the case for governments to act. 

Progress so far:

  • Over the past two years, 8 minor political parties in federal and state elections have backed the idea of ministerial recognition for animal welfare. 

  • We've had constructive discussions with state and federal government officials about the need for independent ministerial roles. 


2. Establishing a National Animal Welfare Commission


A national Animal Welfare Commission has not yet been established, however, there has been encouraging progress toward creating an independent statutory animal welfare body at the federal level and re-establishing national leadership in standards development. This progress provides a platform on which the Alliance can build stronger institutional representation for animals. 

Progress so far:

  • With the support of state and territory Ministers, the federal government has commenced the development of a national Australian Animal Welfare Strategy to coordinate activities and drive progress towards improved national standards.


3. Creating State Animal Welfare Authorities


A state Animal Welfare Authority, or equivalent, is yet to be established, but promising progress has been made in several jurisdictions.  

Progress so far:

  • NSW: The NSW Government has committed to establishing an Independent Office of Animal Welfare before the end of its term (March 2027). 

  • WA: The WA Labor Party included the establishment of an Independent Office of Animal Welfare in its 2023 policy platform. 

  • Victoria: A 2024 parliamentary inquiry found that an Independent Office of Animal Protection had the potential to significantly improve animal welfare outcomes and recommended the Victorian Government consider creating one. 

  • Queensland: The RSPCA has endorsed the establishment of a state Animal Welfare Authority, and several minor political parties supported this reform during the 2024 Queensland Election. 


4. Introducing decision-making principles and sentience recognition 


There has been significant progress toward recognising animal sentience and introducing decision-making principles under animal welfare law. 

Progress so far:

  • Victoria: The Victorian Government has introduced the ‘principle of sentience’ in its draft Animal Care and Protection Bill to be introduced in 2025. The Bill also includes a power to enact guidelines to inform the decisions of other Victorian ministers and government agencies that affect animals. 

  • South Australia: The SA Government passed its new Animal Welfare Act 2025, recognising animals “as living beings that can feel, perceive, and experience positive and negative states” as a principle of the Act. 

  • Western Australia: The WA Government supported a recommendation to recognise animals “as living beings, able to perceive, feel and have positive and negative experiences” in the review of the Animal Welfare Act, but has yet to implement it. 

  • Note, the ACT Government recognised the sentience of animals and their intrinsic value through amendments to the Animal Welfare Act in 2019. 


5. Setting fair and accountable animal welfare standards processes 


Some progress has been made towards creating fair and accountable animal welfare standards development processes. 

Progress so far:

  • In 2023, state, territory and federal agriculture ministers approved a review of the national standards development process to enhance independence and transparency. 

  • The renewal of the Australian Animal Welfare Strategy (see above) also creates a platform for improved standard-setting processes.


6. Allocation of adequate funding


Government funding for animal welfare services has increased in several jurisdictions, but it still remains far too low compared to the scale of the problems that need to be tackled.

Progress so far:

  • $139M is being spent to support the current phase out of live sheep export, including $2.7M to improve sheep welfare standards. 

  • NSW committed $21M in its 2023/24 budget to improving its animal welfare framework, including establishing an Independent Office of Animal Welfare. 

  • The WA Government has also committed $21M over three years to bolster animal welfare enforcement services within the state.

Together, we can continue to push for crucial legislative changes. 

The Fair Go for Animals campaign is an ambitious, long-term project, dedicated to achieving systemic change by dismantling barriers to progress and establishing strong, independent representation for animals within government.   

We know these reforms will take time to implement, but it’s exciting to know that we’ve already made significant headway on our journey towards creating a fairer Australia for animals.  

If you believe in our vision for a fairer Australia for animals and would like to join us, please support the #FairGoForAnimals reforms today and be a part of a generational change for animals:


Time is running out to secure an Independent Office of Animal Welfare