Time is running out to secure an Independent Office of Animal Welfare
Write to NSW Premier Chris Minns and the NSW Minister for Agriculture Tara Moriarty to call on them to establish an Independent Office of Animal Welfare today.
In the lead up to the NSW Election in 2023, the Alliance contacted all registered parties for their positions on key animal welfare policies. The Labor Party made several commitments to improve animal welfare, including establishing an Independent Office of Animal Welfare and replacing the outdated Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act with a new animal welfare framework.
These commitments were celebrated during and after the state election campaign with the Alliance’s policy scorecards reaching over 1 million NSW residents.
Now, almost 2 years into their term, the Minns Labor Government has made little progress on implementing these vital reforms, and the window is fast closing.
We’re calling on you to write to the NSW Premier Chris Minns and the NSW Minister for Agriculture Tara Moriarty to urge them to prioritise these important commitments and fulfil their election promises.
To help you get started, we’ve drafted a letter for you to personalise.
Write your letter with Alive AI’s copilot tool
We partnered with Alive AI to develop an AI-powered Advocate tool to make the writing process easier.
All you have to do is:
Open Advocate and click 'Start’
Click on the project ‘Write to Premier Minns and Minister Moriarty’
Select the key points you would like to include in your letter
Provide a little background information about yourself and any additional points you’d like to make
Wait a few moments while the copilot generates a unique letter based on the points you’ve chosen
Copy the generated text into a document or email and edit the wording to ensure it matches your views and writing style
Copy and paste the letter into the form below
Need help? Watch the recording from our online workshop!
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Engaging with politicians is a powerful way to drive real change. By raising your concerns, sharing your ideas, and advocating for solutions, you can help influence their decisions and ensure the issues that matter to you and your community are heard and acted upon. Every conversation counts, and by engaging, you become an active part of the change you want to see.
The following toolkit aims to empower individuals like you to feel confident when engaging with your political representatives.