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Blog Australian Alliance for Animals Blog Australian Alliance for Animals

Why does the standards development process matter for animal welfare?

The current process for reviewing and developing national standards for animal welfare in Australia is heavily dominated by industry interests, fails to consider contemporary science and community expectations, and lacks legislative accountability. Reforming this process would make the standards development process more inclusive, science-based, and accountable.

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Blog Australian Alliance for Animals Blog Australian Alliance for Animals

Racehorses deserve a fair go

Australia’s horse racing industry is riddled with systemic animal welfare issues. By reforming the system, we can better protect horses and provide them with the life-long care they deserve.

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Blog Australian Alliance for Animals Blog Australian Alliance for Animals

What does adequate funding for animal welfare services mean?

Within the current system, multiple agencies are responsible for different aspects of animal welfare enforcement, leading to inconsistent outcomes and protections for animals. The establishment of independent state Animal Welfare Authorities can change this. 

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Blog Australian Alliance for Animals Blog Australian Alliance for Animals

Why it’s time for Australia to end live lamb cutting

Every year in Australia, over 10 million lambs are subjected to a painful surgical procedure called live lamb cutting, traditionally known as mulesing. The continued use of this cruel practice, despite the availability of an ethical alternative, highlights the failures within Australia’s animal welfare system.

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Blog Australian Alliance for Animals Blog Australian Alliance for Animals

Why does Australia need a National Animal Welfare Commission?

Australia's animal welfare system lacks national leadership, leading to significant inconsistencies in levels of protection across states. Creating a National Animal Welfare Commission as an independent statutory agency will introduce a structured and consistent approach to animal welfare while giving animals the independent representation they need and deserve.

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Blog Australian Alliance for Animals Blog Australian Alliance for Animals

How will Ministers for Animal Welfare help animals? 

Despite Australians caring deeply about animal welfare, our existing governance system treats it as a low-priority issue – and it's time for this to change. In this article, we discuss how establishing Ministers for Animal Welfare will significantly elevate the profile of animal welfare within our government, helping to create a fairer system.

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Report Australian Alliance for Animals Report Australian Alliance for Animals

Building a fairer Australia for animals

The Building a fairer Australia for animals report outlines the framework for creating a fair and independent animal welfare governance system in Australia. It explains the calls behind the #FairGoForAnimals campaign. It explains the fundamental problems within our current governance system and provides a clear path forward.

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