Building a fairer Australia for animals

The Building a fairer Australia for animals report outlines the framework for creating a fair and independent animal welfare governance system in Australia. It explains the calls behind the #FairGoForAnimals campaign, diving into the fundamental problems within our current governance system and provides a clear path forward. 

Australia’s current animal welfare governance system is structurally flawed.

Have you ever wondered why hens can still be confined to battery cages or why lambs can have flaps of skin from around their breech and tail cut off, despite most Australians agreeing that it is cruel? It is because our system is designed to increase industry profits and productivity, rather than promote good animal welfare. 

At its core, the system is fraught with conflicts of interest, primarily because the responsibility for animal welfare is allocated to departments that are also tasked with promoting agricultural and industrial productivity. These competing responsibilities undermine the welfare of animals, as economic interests overshadow welfare considerations. And while we do have animal protection laws, there are exemptions for industry standards, allowing cruel practices, like battery cages, live lamb cutting, and many others to continue. 

Additionally, there is a lack of national guidance, with each state and territory setting their own standards and enforcement guidelines, leading to the inconsistent treatment of animals. There is also a significant gap in accountability and transparency, with limited public involvement in shaping welfare policies and standards.  

These deficiencies reflect a system that is outdated and incapable of making animal welfare a priority, perpetuating practices that are often cruel and archaic.  

#FairGoForAnimals proposes a six-point reform framework to overhaul the broken system.

A 'Fair Go for Animals' means treating animals in a way that respects their sentience and protects their welfare. In order to achieve this, Australia must adopt a balanced, independent approach, where the welfare of animals is given priority in legislation, policy, and practice.  

We’re calling for six systemic reforms to fix the complex regulatory problems that exist within the current animal welfare governance system. The campaign is aiming to achieve: 

  1. Ministerial Recognition: Establishing dedicated Ministers for Animal Welfare at both state/territory and federal levels, to reduce conflicts of interests. 

  2. National Animal Welfare Commission: Creating an independent body to make the system truly independent and create consistent national animal welfare standards. 

  3. Animal Welfare Authorities: Setting up state-level authorities to ensure animal welfare laws are upheld rigorously and fairly. 

  4. Decision-making Principles & Sentience Recognition: Integrating guiding principles in animal welfare legislation and recognising animal sentience to reflect modern understanding of animal needs and rights. 

  5. Fair and Accountable Standards Development: Reforming the process to develop animal welfare standards to be transparent, science-based, and free from undue industry influence. 

  6. Adequate Funding: Securing sufficient funding to support effective animal welfare services in line with community expectations. 

These reforms will provide a comprehensive framework that will elevate the importance of animal welfare within government, ensuring the interests of animals are a primary consideration in all related decisions. By setting higher standards, enforcing stricter regulations, and funding the necessary initiatives, Australia has the potential to dramatically improve the lives of billions of animals. 

Read the report

three "Building a fairer Australia for animals" reports laid out overlapping on a aqua background

The Building a fairer Australia for animals report outlines our framework for creating a fairer and more independent animal welfare governance system in Australia. 

Support the call for a fairer Australia for animals

By formally supporting a #FairGoForAnimals, you are joining a movement that is dedicated to transform Australia’s animal welfare system into one that truly respects and protects the wellbeing of animals.   

By lending your voice, you help ensure that animals are no longer sidelined by legislation that prioritises commercial interests over their wellbeing. Together, we can create a future where animal welfare laws are a true reflection of our society's compassion and respect for all animals. Support a #FairGoForAnimals today to help build a fairer Australia for animals.  


Legislation introduced to Parliament provides certainty to ending cruel live export trade


Animal Welfare Bill Exposure Draft (South Australia)