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Read our latest news, blogs, submissions and media releases.
Fearmongering laid bare during NSW Inquiry into live sheep export phase out
NSW Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) has debunked industry claims of major impacts on the NSW industry due to the phase out of live sheep exports.
World First: Animal Welfare Recognised in UAE Trade Deal
The Australian Alliance for Animals has welcomed news that animal welfare will be included in the Australia-UAE Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA), struck by Australia’s Trade Minister Don Farrell yesterday.
20 Years and Still Waiting: The Broken Promise of the Australian Wool Industry
The Australian Alliance for Animals, FOUR PAWS and Humane Society International Australia have joined forces to call out systemic issues within the wool industry in a new published report, The Broken Promise: The Australian wool industry’s failure to end live lamb cutting, and why government must step in.
Alliance for Animals welcomes the Hon Julie Collins MP to Agriculture Ministry
The Alliance congratulates The Hon Julie Collins MP on her appointment as the new Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, and thanks outgoing Minister Murray Watt for his leadership over the past two years.
National campaign to shine spotlight on plight of chickens farmed for meat
Launched today, Better Chicken Australia is a new joint campaign backed by the Australian Alliance for Animals, World Animal Protection and Animals Aotearoa, which aims to lift the lid on the conditions faced by 700 million chickens farmed for meat in Australia every year.
Historic legislation to phase out live sheep exports passes Australian Parliament
The Australian Senate has today passed historic legislation enshrining the phase out of live sheep exports into law. The Export Control Amendment (Ending Live Sheep Exports by Sea) Act 2024 prohibits exporting live sheep by sea from Australia by 1 May 2028 and unlocks a $107 million industry adjustment package.
Historic legislation to end suffering of sheep passes the House of Representatives
The path to ending the suffering of sheep is one step further along as Members of the Australian House of Representatives have passed legislation to enshrine the phase out of the live sheep export trade.
Legislation introduced to Parliament provides certainty to ending cruel live export trade
The Albanese Government has today introduced legislation into Federal Parliament, enshrining the phase out of the live sheep export trade.
Albanese Government Sheep Export Transition Plan Provides Final End Date for Cruel Trade
The Albanese Government has today released its plan to phase out live sheep exports, ending months of speculation and providing much-needed certainty for industry and stakeholders.
Time for the Albanese Government to Fulfil its Election Promise to Phase Out Live Sheep Exports - on Budget Night
Leading animal welfare organisations are calling on the Albanese Government to honour its election commitment to phase out live sheep exports in an open letter requesting a definitive end date to be announced in next month’s Federal Budget.
14,000 Australian Sheep Endure Three Months in Transit but Their Ordeal is Not Over Yet
The Australian Alliance for Animals is calling for an end to live sheep exports and for the Department of Agriculture to commit to full transparency around the conditions faced by thousands of sheep and cattle onboard the ill-fated MV Bahijah, which is due to arrive in Israel today following its latest 34-day voyage.
Animal Welfare at Risk Over Decision to Return Livestock to MV Bahijah
Peak animal welfare group, the Australian Alliance for Animals has expressed dismay over the decision to re-export more than 15,000 sheep on board the MV Bahijah to the Middle East.
Bill to Phase Out Live Sheep Exports Introduced to Parliament
Peak animal welfare group, the Australian Alliance for Animals, has welcomed the introduction of a new bill to formally legislate the phase out live sheep exports in Australia.
MV Bahijah Re-Export Application Rejected but Uncertainty Remains Over Fate of Animals
The Australian Alliance for Animals has today welcomed the decision of the Department of Agriculture to reject an application to re-export approximately 15,000 sheep and cattle stranded on board the MV Bahijah since 5 January.
Fears for 15,000 Animals Stranded on MV Bahijah Grow as Department of Agriculture Considers Re-Export
The Alliance for Animals is calling for common sense to prevail as the Department of Agriculture considers an application to re-export thousands of Australian sheep and cattle.
Questions to Answer as Live Export Cruelty Charges to be Dropped by WA Government
The Alliance for Animals is today calling for an immediate inquiry following revelations that the WA Government intends to drop animal cruelty charges against the state’s largest live sheep exporter just days before a long-awaited trial was due to commence.
More Shocking Revelations of Cruelty to Australian Sheep in the Middle East
The Alliance for Animals is calling on the Government to expedite the phase out of live sheep exports following further revelations of export rule breaches in the Middle East.
Australia’s Animal Welfare System Not Fit for Purpose: National Survey Reveals
The Australian Alliance for Animals is today releasing the results of a ground-breaking new study exploring community expectations about how the nation’s animal welfare policies are set and governed.
More Certainty Needed on Battery Cage Phase-Out
The Australian Alliance for Animals is calling for more certainty over the phase-out of battery cages following the endorsement of new national standards for poultry welfare.