Federal election a referendum on animal cruelty as live sheep export takes centre stage

A powerful coalition of leading animal protection organisations, led by WA-based not-for-profit Stop Live Exports, has declared this federal election as a referendum on animal cruelty as live sheep exports emerge as a key issue.

The groups have today unveiled a national campaign Keep The Sheep Here,’ alongside a digital advertising and billboard blitz, and election discussion paper, to highlight the ongoing suffering of Australian sheep in the live export trade.

They said the Nationals’ pledge to overturn legislation phasing out the trade in their first 100 days of government placed animal suffering squarely on the ballot paper.

It’s a position Stop Live Exports WA spokesperson Ruth Gourley said defies common sense and common decency.

“The live sheep export trade is cruel, outdated and unnecessary, and it’s not supported by the overwhelming majority of fair-minded Australians, and that includes Western Australians,” Ms Gourley said.

“A reversal of the phase out would cause outrage within the community and we’re going to make sure people across the country are fully aware of where all parties and candidates stand on this brutal and unnecessary trade.”

The national advertising campaign targets the electorates of Hasluck, Bullwinkel and Tangney in WA, Sturt in SA, Menzies and Casey in Victoria, Wentworth in NSW, and Ryan in Queensland, with plans to expand to other key locations as the election draws nearer.

The advertisements feature shocking and distressing images of Australian sheep suffering from heat stress, an unavoidable reality of the trade, as well as cruel handling and slaughter practices in importing countries, where fully conscious slaughter is the norm. The positive job and economic opportunities presented by the phase out will also feature heavily. 

Stop Live Exports is also releasing its election discussion paper aimed at dismantling myths that lobby groups are spreading to incite fear and resistance to the inevitable transition to sheepmeat exports - a more ethical and sustainable alternative.

Alliance for Animals’ Policy Director Dr Jed Goodfellow said the phase out made sense for both animal welfare and economic reasons and this is why it resonates with most Australians. 

“The trade is already on the way out, with or without the phase out legislation, having shrunk by over 90% in the past 20 years and hitting a record low of just 419,000 sheep in 2024 – that’s a 34% drop from the previous year,” Dr Goodfellow said.

“It’s time to focus on the significant value-adding opportunities that come with keeping the sheep here, processing them in Australian supply chains, by Australian workers, to Australian standards. This is the future and there’s a $139.7 million transition package on the table to help the industry secure it.

“Reversing the phase out legislation won’t bring the trade back, but it will take this assistance off the table, depriving sheep producers of the opportunity to invest in a more sustainable future as the trade continues its inevitable decline.

“It's disappointing the Nationals are backing this cruel and dying trade, but we know there are many within the Liberal Party who support animal welfare and will be happy to see it end.

“We hope this campaign will empower them to speak out within their party and make it clear that keeping this outdated trade alive is not only a bad decision for animals but it’s not a vote winner.”


For all media, photo and interview inquiries, please email media@stopliveexports.org

Campaign website: https://keepthesheephere.com.au

Election Discussion Paper:  Lifting the Wool: Debunking misinformation on live sheep exports

Sample Advertisements: https://docs.google.com/document/d/16rwW3cmvrFq8xJNmNMHzLbqS8uaq6mhvwTdaGNoj8tM/edit?usp=sharing 

Who we are

Stop Live Exports is a Western Australian based, community-led, non-profit organisation that advocates for the end of live animal exports from Australia. The organisation is run by a voluntary committee of individuals who are based across Australia.
Website: https://stopliveexports.org

Animals Australia is the nation’s leading animal protection organisation, representing millions of members and supporters. Over 20 years, Animal Australia’s investigations have revealed the inherent suffering of animals subjected to the live sheep export trade. While evidence obtained has prompted some regulatory reform, Animals Australia has lodged 76 extensive legal complaints to the Commonwealth regulator exposing the unwillingness of exporters to adhere to regulations, and fortifying the political case for the trade to end.
Website: https://animalsaustralia.org

Australian Alliance for Animals is a national charity leading a strategic alliance of Australia’s key animal protection organisations with a combined supporter base of over 2 million people. Website: https://www.allianceforanimals.org.au


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