Renewing the Australian Animal Welfare Strategy: Discussion Paper
Submission overview
The Australian Alliance for Animals welcomes the opportunity to comment on the discussion paper for renewing the Australian Animal Welfare Strategy (AAWS). Renewing the AAWS will influence the future direction of Australia’s approach to animal welfare policy and standards development and has the potential to profoundly affect the lives of billions of animals for decades to come.
For decades, Australia has lacked national coordination and leadership for animal welfare, which has slowed down reforms for animals, denying billions of animals the opportunity to experience improved welfare standards, and significantly impacted Australia’s international standing on animal welfare. In our submission, we provide 11 recommendations to ensure the renewed AAWS reflects contemporary science, meets community expectations, and improves welfare standards for animals.
This submission is made on behalf of our six core member organisations – Animals Australia, Humane Society International Australia, World Animal Protection, FOUR PAWS Australia, Compassion in World Farming, and Voiceless, the animal protection institute.
Read our submission
In this submission, the Alliance for Animals proposes 11 recommendations for how the renewed Australian Animal Welfare Strategy can improve the lives of billions of animals, better reflect contemporary science, and meet the evolving expectations of the community.