Our work
Read our latest news, blogs, submissions and media releases.
Inquiry into the impacts of the phase out of live sheep exports on NSW
The Alliance for Animals provided evidence to the Inquiry into the impacts of the phase out of live sheep exports on NSW. Our submission focuses on the extensive animal welfare concerns, the overwhelming community opposition to the trade, and the negligible impacts the phase out will have on the NSW sheep industry.
Renewing the Australian Animal Welfare Strategy: Discussion Paper
The Alliance has made a submission to the renewal of the Australian Animal Welfare Strategy.
Inquiry into Ending Live Sheep Exports by Sea Bill 2024
The Alliance has made a submission to the Inquiry in support of the Export Control Amendment (Ending Live Sheep Exports by Sea) Bill 2024. Our submission focuses on the fundamental animal welfare issues caused by the trade, the overwhelming public support for the phase out, and the Independent Panel report, which reinforces the viability of transitioning to processed meat exports.
Animal Welfare Bill Exposure Draft (South Australia)
The Australian Alliance for Animals has reviewed the Animal Welfare Bill Exposure Draft (SA) and urges modernisation while offering suggested improvements for enhancing animal welfare and community interests.
Victorian Draft Animal Care and Protection Bill
The Australian Alliance for Animals has provided feedback to the Victorian Draft Animal Care and Protection Bill. In our submission we emphasise the importance of modernising animal welfare legislation to reflect current scientific understanding and community expectations.
Exporter Supply Chain Assurance System Stage 2 Review
The Alliance for Animals has made a submission to the Exporter Supply Chain Assurance System (ESCAS) in response to their stage 2 recommendations.
Productivity Commission Draft Report: Future Foundations for Giving
A coalition of seven leading animal welfare charities has responded to the Productivity Commission's draft report: Future foundations for giving and goes into further detail outlining the case for extending tax concessions to animal welfare charities.
2024-2025 Pre-Budget Submission
The Alliance for Animals has made a 2024-2025 pre-budget submission to the Australian Government.
Inquiry into Pig Welfare in Victoria
The Alliance for Animals has made a submission to the Victorian Parliament on the Inquiry into Pig Welfare in Victoria to create more independent, accountable governance processes as well as outlining the need for an independent Office of Animal Welfare.
Australia’s Agriculture & Land Sectoral Plan for Net Zero Emissions
The Alliance for Animals has made a submission to the Climate Policy Branch, Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry to provide input into the development of a sectoral plan to reduce emissions from the agriculture and land sector.
Protecting Animal Welfare in Trade and Investment Agreements
The Alliance for Animals has made a submission to the inquiry into the Australian Government’s approach when negotiating trade and investment agreements to include improved animal welfare standards.
Australian Standards for the Export of Livestock (ASEL) 2023 Review
The Alliance for Animals has made a submission to the Australian Standards for the Export of Livestock (ASEL) Update 3.3, recommending stronger regulatory requirements for animal welfare.
Phase-out of Live Sheep Exports by Sea
The Alliance for Animals has made five key recommendations on how and when the Australian Government should implement a legislated phase-out of live sheep exports by sea.
Productivity Commission Review of Philanthropy
A coalition of seven leading animal welfare charities has made a submission to the Productivity Commission's Philanthropy Inquiry outlining the case for extending tax concessions to animal welfare charities.
South Australia Animal Welfare Act Review 2023
The Alliance for Animals has made a submission to the review of the Animal Welfare Act in South Australia.
Inspector-General of Animal Welfare
The Alliance for Animals has made a submission calling for a truly independent national Inspector-General of Animal Welfare.
Pre-budget submission 2023-24
The Alliance for Animals has made a pre-budget submission to the Australian Government.
Review of communication and engagement in livestock export regulation
The Alliance for Animals has submitted to the review of the Australian Government’s approach to stakeholder engagement and communication in live export regulation.
Plan for Victoria’s new animal care and protection laws
The Alliance for Animals has made a submission re the proposed revisions to Victoria’s animal welfare legislation.
Draft Animal Welfare Act Amendment Bill (Tasmania)
The Alliance for Animals has made a submission re the proposed revisions to Tasmania’s animal welfare legislation.