Lismore - NSW Election 2023
Let’s work together to put animals on the political map.
Authorised by Jed Goodfellow on behalf of the Australian Alliance for Animals, 2 Paddington Street, Paddington, NSW 2021.
Our scorecards let you know where parties and candidates stand on six key reform issues for animals.
Stronger Animal Welfare Act
Expediate the development of a new Animal Welfare Act, including recognition of animal sentience in the objects of the Act and criteria for the development and adoption of codes and standards under the Act to ensure they are based on contemporary science, reflect community expectations, and do not prescribe practices that are inconsistent with the objects, principles and duties outlined in the Act.
State Animal Welfare Authority
Establish a NSW Animal Welfare Authority as an independent statutory body under the new Animal Welfare Act with responsibility for administering the Act with an appropriate budget allocation to ensure adequate resourcing. (Note: this would not replace RSPCA and Animal Welfare League inspectors – they would report to the Authority).
Ministerial portfolio recognition of animal welfare
Elevate the importance of animal welfare within Government by recognising animal welfare within the title of a ministerial portfolio separate to the agriculture portfolio. (Note: partial tick available for including animal welfare in the title of an assistant ministerial portfolio).
Phase out battery cages
Introduce legislation to implement the phase out of conventional battery cages in the new Australian Animal Welfare Standards and Guidelines for Poultry with an end date of 2030.
End native forest logging
Protect the welfare of threatened species such as koalas, greater gliders and gang-gang cockatoos by implementing a planned transition away from native forest logging to a sustainable timber industry.
End puppy farming
Introduce legislation consistent with the Companion Animals Amendment (Puppy Farms) Bill 2021 to end puppy farming.
Access our state and select electorate scorecards
How we created the scorecards
How were they created?
At the start of the election campaign we contacted all major parties and listed candidates in key electorates asking for their responses to key Alliance policies. Six of these policies are featured on the scorecards. In completing the scorecards, we took into consideration responses to our emails as well as previous public comments, voting patterns and policy decisions.
Why were they created?
The scorecards have been prepared to raise awareness of the interests of animals and prevent animal suffering by summarising the position of political parties on the key animal welfare policy issues relevant to the charitable purposes of the Australian Alliance for Animals.
The scorecards represent the view of the Australian Alliance for Animals, and should not be relied upon. The Alliance does not promote or oppose political parties or direct people on how to vote.
Parties and abbreviations
The scorecards refer to the parties by the following abbreviations.
Animal Justice = Animal Justice Party
EFI = Elizabeth Farrelly Independents
Greens = The Greens NSW
Informed Medical Options Party (IMOP) = Informed Medical Options Party
Labor = Australian Labor Party – NSW Branch
Legalise Cannabis Party = Legalise Cannabis NSW Party
Liberal = Liberal Party of Australia – NSW Division
Liberal Democrats = Liberal Democratic Party
Nationals = National Party of Australia - NSW
One Nation = Pauline Hanson’s One Nation
Public Education Party = Public Education Party
SBP = The Small Business Party
Shooters, Fishers & Farmers = Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party (NSW) Incorporated
Socialist Alliance = Socialist Alliance
Sustainable Australia Party = Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment/Corruption
What can you do?
Educate & share
Learn where the parties and candidates stand on key reforms for animals & share our scorecards with your networks.
Engage with candidates/parties
If you live in NSW, contact candidates and parties to let them know what you think about these issues.
Follow the Alliance
Keep up-to-date with the issues by following the Alliance on social media & signing up to our news.