Have your say: Renewing the Australian Animal Welfare Strategy
The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) is renewing the Australian Animal Welfare Strategy (AAWS), and they want to hear from you. This renewal is a landmark opportunity to influence Australia's national approach to animal welfare and advocate for reforms to ensure the new strategy works for animals, not against them.
Submissions close on 30 June 2024.
What is the Australian Animal Welfare Strategy?
The Australian Animal Welfare Strategy was first endorsed in 2004 by federal, state and territory Ministers for Agriculture. It was successful in raising the profile of animal welfare poilicy and in improving collaboration between stakeholders. In 2014, the Abbot Government ceased its funding. Ahead of the 2022 Federal Election, the Australian Labor Party committed to re-establish the AAWS.
The renewal of the AAWS seeks to create a unified national framework based on scientific research, evidentiary standards, and the expectations of the community. Although the Discussion Paper outlines various challenges within the current framework, it does not comprehensively address the fundamental systemic issues plaguing Australia's animal welfare system. Critical among these is the prevalence of conflicts of interest, the absence of independent oversight, and exemptions in welfare standards, which leave certain species unprotected. To truly reform and strengthen our approach to animal welfare, these core deficiencies must be addressed, ensuring all animals receive the protection and consideration they deserve.
Why should you lodge a submission?
The AAWS is more than just a policy document, and its renewal will form the foundation of a national approach to animal welfare strategy. We now have the chance to call for a robust, evidence-based framework that reflects contemporary scientific knowledge and community expectations. This is an important opportunity to advocate for a fairer system for animals and have your voice heard by those who will decide the future of Australia’s animal welfare system.
Watch the recording of our submission writing workshop
During the workshop, Alliance for Animals Co-Founders, Dr Jed Goodfellow and Dr Bidda Jones discussed:
an overview of the consultation and submission process
key points to make in your submission
how to use Alive AI's submission copilot to craft a compelling, well-structured submission with ease
how to lodge your submission
Craft a compelling submission using Alive AI’s copilot tool
With Alive AI, we’ve helped develop an AI-powered Submission Copilot to make the submission writing process easier.
How to lodge your submission
Go to the AAWS renewal ‘Have Your Say’ page
Scroll down to ‘Have your say’ and select either:
Submission upload: answer the questions about yourself and then upload your submission in .doc or .pdf format
Survey: answer questions about yourself and copy and paste your responses to each question in the box provided. Please note there is a 1000 character limit for your responses via this method.
Submissions close 4pm, Sunday 30 June 2024.