Our work
Read our latest news, blogs, submissions and media releases.
Have your say: Renewing the Australian Animal Welfare Strategy
The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry is renewing the Australian Animal Welfare Strategy (AAWS), and they want to hear from you. This renewal is a landmark opportunity to influence Australia's national approach to animal welfare and advocate for reforms to ensure the new strategy works for animals.
Submission workshop: Australian Animal Welfare Strategy
This is a landmark opportunity to renew Australia’s Animal Welfare Strategy and has the potential to align the standards with science-based evidence and community expectations.
Reforming Victoria’s Animal Protection Laws
The Alliance for Animals ran an online workshop event to explain how to make a submission to the consultation process to reform Victoria's animal care and protection laws.
Productivity Commission Inquiry into Philanthropy
The Alliance for Animals and Effective Altruism Australia ran an online workshop event to explain how to make a submission to the Productivity Commission’s Inquiry into Philanthropy.
Free webinar: Release of the animal welfare policy barometer
Join the Alliance for Animals and BehaviourWorks Australia for a free online webinar releasing Australia’s first animal welfare policy barometer.