Make a submission to the renewal of the Australian Animal Welfare Strategy

The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) is renewing the Australian Animal Welfare Strategy (AAWS), and they want to hear from you.

Submissions close 4pm (AEST) Sunday 30 June 2024.

Australia has been without national direction on animal welfare for over a decade. This is a once-in-generation opportunity to set Australia up for the future, to ensure we have a contemporary animal welfare system that works for people and animals. The renewed Australian Animal Welfare Strategy (AAWS) will profoundly affect the lives of billions of animals for decades to come. 

Ways to craft your submission

  1. Use our guide to write your submission

    We’ve prepared a guide with key points to help you write your submission. The guide answers the questions asked in the Discussion Paper (doc). Under each question there are several points, please use the points that are most relevant to you.

  2. Use Alive AI’s copilot tool

    We partnered with Alive AI to develop an AI-powered Submission Copilot to make the submission writing process easier.

    All you have to do is:

    • Select the points you would like to include in your submission

    • Provide background information about yourself and any additional points you’d like to make

    • Wait while the copilot generates a unique submission based on the arguments you’ve chosen

    • Copy the generated text into a Word document (or similar) and edit the wording to ensure it matches your writing style.

How to lodge your submission

  1. Go to the AAWS renewal ‘Have Your Say’ page

  2. Scroll down to ‘Have your say’ and select either:

    • Submission upload: answer the questions about yourself and then upload your submission in .doc or .pdf format

    • Survey: answer questions about yourself and copy and paste your response to each question in the space provided. Please note there is a 1000 character limit for your responses via this method.

Submissions close 4pm, Sunday 30 June 2024.


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