Support the Bill to end live sheep exports by sea
Be their voice.
The government has launched a snap Parliamentary Inquiry into the live sheep export phase out legislation, and they want to hear from you.
This Guide has been prepared to assist Alliance supporters to prepare submissions to the Inquiry.
Submissions are now closed.
Submissions closed midnight, Tuesday, 11 June 2024.
The Bill will finally prohibit live sheep exports by sea on 1 May 2028 – representing a pivotal moment for animal welfare in Australia.
Your submission to the Inquiry can be short and simple – what’s most important is that the Committee receives widespread public support for this important Bill. This will help the government advance its policy and secure the vital support of crossbench MPs and senators.
Below are some key points you might like to use in your submission. Please rewrite the points in your own words, as personalised submissions are more powerful.
Key points to guide your submission
I support the phase out of live sheep exports and commend the government for introducing this legislation. Live sheep export is a cruel and marginal trade that should have been phased out decades ago.
Contrary to industry claims, the trade has not been “fixed.” Analysis of data from live sheep export voyages to the Middle East between 2018 to 2023 show that over 60% of Independent Observer reports documented heat stress in sheep. Once they arrive in the Middle East, sheep are then subjected to slaughter without stunning. This is cruel and unnecessary.
Australia already exports chilled and frozen lamb and mutton to the Middle East valued at over eight times that of the live sheep trade ($632 million v $77 million, 2022/23, ABS). This trade adds more value to local supply chains and creates more jobs here in Australia.
Nationally, live sheep exports make up less than 0.1% of Australia’s agriculture exports.
Contrary to the industry’s fear campaign, the report of the Independent Panel clearly indicates that the phase out is entirely feasible with manageable adjustments to flock composition. The Panel noted that “the WA sheep industry can be profitable and sustainable during the transition period and beyond the end of live sheep exports by sea.”
Australian export laws should reflect the values of the Australian community. Over 78% of Australians support an end to the export of live sheep to the Middle East.
The industry needs to acknowledge this and move with the times to create a more humane and sustainable future that respects animal welfare and protects Australia’s international reputation.
The Ending Live Sheep Exports by Sea Bill will provide much needed certainty to the industry and the community about the end of this cruel trade. I strongly encourage committee members to support the legislation.
How do I lodge a submission?
There are two ways you can lodge your submission:
Send your submission via email to – please note your name and submission will be publicly listed on the Inquiry website.
Create or log into your My Parliament account and upload your submission – with this option, you can select your preferred level of confidentiality.
URGENT: Submissions close midnight, Tuesday the 11th of June 2024.
Thank you for taking the time to speak up for sheep.
Your efforts have been pivotal in the push to end live sheep exports, and we are so close.